Better Public Services: where to next?

In 2012, the New Zealand Government made the bold decision of setting 10 challenging targets for the public sector and holding itself publicly accountable for achieving these over the next three to five years.

Peter Hughes, State Services Commissioner, comments on what he sees as the core achievements of the Better Public Services initiative since its introduction five years ago.

“Most people focus on the 10 targets because their impact’s the most visible. But the really big result we’ve had from the targets is pulling agencies together behind a common focus. It was a very bold thing to do – and it’s helping move us into much more of a system focus.

“The reforms of the 90s achieved a lot by focusing on each individual agency and ensuring they were organised to deliver high-quality products and services to the public. The challenge going forward is that citizens are looking to the government for better outcomes and results for society as a whole – not just improved services from individual agencies.”

READ MORE in the attached article (Public Sector 40:1)

