Rediscovering Westminster in 2020

Former IPANZ President Len Cook

Reflecting on his career and drawing on recent experiences on evaluation and cross agency work, Len suggested a rethink of the Westminster model of the New Zealand public sector. He discussed the forms and place of evidence in good decision making and the widening spotlight on constitutional integrity and holding government to account, central facets to a Westminster model of government.

He discussed:

  • Rediscovering the foundations of the Westminster system in NZ
  • The evidence spectrum and the practicalities of evidence-based policy
  • The vindication of policy and its execution in an age of big data, diverse communities and oversight in real-time
  • Balancing uncertainty, risk, innovation and opportunity, trust and trustworthiness
  • Government and Maori - living with history into the future
  • Thoughts on the pathway ahead – social investment, the spirit of service, well-being, evidence based policy, Minister appointed Chief Executives
