Crown Maori Relationships

Nga Kooti Rangatahi (marae-based youth courts), Ministry of Justice

Marae-based Youth Courts (Nga Kooti Rangatahi) are an innovative approach to intervene in the cycle of offending by Maori youth. Marae kaumatua are active participants in the process, supporting the presiding judge and the youth and their whanau.

Since the first one in 2008, there are now 14 Rangatahi Courts throughout the country with numerous requests from other marae. Young people who attend Rangatahi or Pasifika courts committed 14% fewer offences (per young person) and were 11% less likely to commit a new serious offence within the next year than comparable youth.

Rangatahi Courts are widely accepted within New Zealand's justice sector and by the Maori community and have received international attention and acclaim.
