Wed 27 Oct 2021 AT 12:00 pm , Wellington

Framing Information for Better Decision-Making

New Zealanders are experiencing an overload of complex information and, more than ever, mis-information too. As public servants, whether in policy or other roles, how do we communicate and engage effectively with the people we are serving? If we understand much better how people process information, we can support them better, and improve our own decision-making.

This session explore the factors that influence people's responses to information the public service provide, including their willingness to support changes that will make a difference to their lives. By understanding how people process information, the information landscape we are communicating into, and addressing our public service assumptions about how people process and use information we provide, policy-makers can more effectively frame problems and solutions for people and create opportunities for better, evidence-based decision making.

About the Speaker

Dr Jess Berentson-Shaw is a public narrative researcher and advisor. She gained her PhD in Health Psychology from Victoria University in 2003. In roles across government and the not for profit sectors she has focussed on placing best knowledge and equity at the heart of decision-making. Since 2017 Jess has been researching and implementing narrative strategies that engage, deepen people's thinking, and improve decision-making with regard to our big social and environmental challenges.
