Tue 21 May 2024 AT 12:00 pm

Let’s talk about public policy apprenticeships webinar

Apprenticeships offer highly effective ways to develop skills, through earning and learning on the job, especially for early career workers. However, for the last 30 years or so, apprenticeships in New Zealand have been developed mainly for trades and services occupations, and in the public sector confined to a fairly narrow range of roles. Unlike Germany or the UK, we aren’t systematically offering apprenticeships - including advanced and degree-level apprenticeships - for professional and administrative roles. Why not?

Tune in as IPANZ Executive Director Kay Booth is joined by Josh Williams, Head of Consulting at Skills Group. They will discuss Josh's view that part of designing the future for our education and skills system should be to expand and extend apprenticeships as a core training model for public policy professionals, to increase and improve diversity, and ensure agencies are securing the future from a capability development perspective.

Josh Williams is Head of Consulting at Skills Group, and National Co-ordinator for the Global Apprenticeship Network in New Zealand. Josh is a former Senior Policy Manager at the Ministry of Education, a former Chief Executive of the Industry Training Federation, and now leads a team consulting on vocational education and workforce development.
