
IPANZ E-Update - 2 November 2021

You will see we have linked you to a video of a talk given by Dr Jess Berentson-Shaw in this e-update. As the public service works to reach those hesitant about the vaccine, she suggests we remember that logic does not always drive decision-making. Rather we listen to people we trust and admire. Also in this e-update, Dave Winsborough puts a high value on diversity of thinking, and wonders if there is enough of this such diversity in the public service. Our ”what we are reading” section focusses on the lessons from anthropology. All of this asks public servants to explore the assumptions that underlie our thinking processes.

  • 24 Nov 2021

IPANZ E-Update - 12 October 2021

This week, IPANZ put a post on our social media which talked of the frustrations and fear abounding in New Zealand, creating fractures, challenging trust, promoting blame as everyone grapples with the insecurity and threat created by COVID-19. We imagine public servants may be feeling the pressures of dealing each day with this frustration amongst the people they serve. As people seek to apportion blame (which is so often not appropriate in this complex picture) we hope public servants are coping with the anger or negativity that may be expressed towards them.

  • 12 Oct 2021

IPANZ E-Update - 20 September 2021

IPANZ sends a heartfelt shout out to all of you. Whether you are working 10-hour days non-stop, front-line or back office, whether you have been juggling children and work at home, whether you are in Auckland with the long, long lockdown, or whether you are just experiencing despondency and anxiety. This is hard, resilience is so important, but sometimes it just feels fragile. Kia kaha. Nga mihi aroha ki a koutou katoa Shenagh Glesiner, Executive Director

  • 21 Sep 2021

E-Update - 30 August 2021

Those of you who follow the IPANZ LinkedIn page will have seen our comment. IPANZ is distressed to see the continual personal criticism of public servants. Scrutiny is vital, very personal attacks which cannot be defended does not have to be part of this scrutiny. Public servants can get caught in the crossfire when commentators attack a government they do not like. This makes public service leadership a tough job. Shenagh Gleisner, Executive Director

  • 21 Sep 2021

E-Update - 11 August 2021

Kia ora koutou The IPANZ conference itself is but one day. But the conversations and challenges will start before, via IPANZ events and e-updates: for example, our Public Sector Journal due out in late August, explores some of the themes such as regulation, young people’s visions and collaboration and a tribute to Ivan Kwok. The conference offers a platform for deeper debate which will be developed in all IPANZ products over the months ahead, hopefully sparking participation and forward-thinking from everyone.

  • 16 Aug 2021

IPANZ E-Update - 20 July 2021

Kia ora koutou The IPANZ conference programme is now published. Have a look at it. This will be a memorable and powerful conference. You will see that we start the day with a challenging focus on Mȧori-Crown relations, the Ivan Kwok Memorial Lecture celebrating the very best of public service, and one of our international speakers talking about significantly shifting how the public sector operates. These themes thread right through the conference with many speakers taking up the issues and much more. Do join us. Shenagh Gleisner, Executive Director

  • 26 Jul 2021

IPANZ E-Update - 29 June

IPANZ values its independent voice, informing and inspiring our members throughout the public sector. We know from the positive feedback we receive, that our communications can be effective. However, we believe we could do more to communicate to the general public, to New Zealanders, about the public sector; to inform, perhaps to challenge myths, and to champion public servants.

  • 07 Jul 2021

IPANZ E-Update - 9 June 2021

Kia ora koutou Our recent System Leadership event was very popular, with a long waiting list. Despite our reminders with a strong request for people to tell us if they were unable to come, we still had a large percentage of no-shows. This meant people on the waiting list were let down. We sought to understand this, and some people said we should consider charging. However, IPANZ remains committed to free events, it is an important service to our members. We also completely understand that unexpected things come up in your busy lives and you will inevitably find yourselves unable to attend. We ask that when you register for an event, put it in your schedule, do your very best to come, or offer the place to a colleague if you can’t. And if we do tell you there is a waiting list, make a very special effort to tell us if you cannot come. Thank you. We have the video of this session below, though nothing replaces being there!

  • 14 Jun 2021

IPANZ E-Update - 17 May 2021

In our last e-update we talked about the danger of burnout for public sector professionals, with the COVID demands of the last year, and looking ahead to significant transformational change in many parts of the public sector, central and local government. The capacity and capability of the sector is stretched, putting particular pressure on key groups of staff - managerial, back office and front line. In the context of these pressures and some constraints on pay increases, IPANZ is thinking about the challenge for public service agencies to demonstrate that they value their staff.

  • 17 May 2021

IPANZ E-Update - 27 April 2021

There is a lot of change going on! We are still in the midst of the reform of vocational education, the health system transformation is far reaching. There was an announcement about the review of local government last week. These three alone are significant pieces of work for a public sector already stretched. IPANZ first acknowledges the skill, and commitment that public servants show when delivering on a government's aspiration for significant change. The complexity of this work demands capabilities and capacity that may be in short supply, or spread thinly, because of the numbers of projects and specialist skills required.

  • 27 Apr 2021

IPANZ E-Update - 7 April

This e-update touches on at least three subjects which merit more discussion. These encompass three of the concerns which are often shared with IPANZ. The first is bullying in the public sector. People say it is more widespread than is acknowledged. The second is the media and the difficulties for the public service to get the good news out. A perennial challenge of course. The third is the ongoing challenge of gender equality. Women tell us they did not anticipate we would still be having to fight for this in 2021. Lots to think about in this update!

  • 07 Apr 2021

IPANZ E-Update - 16 March 2021

Two things happened this week which made me think. We booked the new Productivity Commissioner, Ganesh Nana, to talk to our IPANZ members (see upcoming events for details), and we started our membership renewal process. IPANZ has a high level of productivity. We produce multiple products for our members, and our team consists of just 2.5 FTE staff. We provide training courses and resources, we run around 30 free lunchtime and evening events covering a range of topics annually, we distribute our popular three weekly e-update, post numerous items across our social media platforms and publish a quarterly journal, all this plus providing friendly and efficient customer service and financial management for all membership services. IPANZ members get a great deal, your subscription is used to create benefits for you, it is not spent on overheads!

  • 16 Mar 2021

IPANZ E-Update - 23 February 2021

This e-update illustrates the diverse matters that public sector professionals turn their minds to every day, for example - trust and integrity, systems thinking, racism and co-design, to name a few.

  • 25 Feb 2021

IPANZ E-Update - 2 February 2021

Welcome to 2021. We hope you enjoy this E-Update. IPANZ celebrates and stands up for the public service, as you will see in this update. But we also offer insights for improvements, one is our wellbeing strategy – can we do better? Another is an operational question – are we doing as well as possible with our performance management in the public service?

  • 03 Feb 2021

IPANZ E-Update - 10 December 2020

We are full of admiration for the resilience and fortitude the public service has shown through this year - and very aware of the exhaustion so many are feeling. The pressures and urgency for ongoing response and improvement go on – this is a marathon not a sprint. This last e-update of the year comes with the very best wishes of the IPANZ staff and Board.

  • 10 Dec 2020

E-Update - 17 November

It has been widely acknowledged that the Covid-19 crisis has transformed aspects of the way our sector functions. We use technology in a way we never imagined, flexible working accelerated, methods of teaching and training changed, and much more. The technologies we now use regularly were available early in 2020, but not widely adopted. Covid-19 acted as a dramatic catalyst. We would never have made these shifts without the pandemic, perhaps we did not appreciate that we had the individual and collective capability to do what we have done. The Spirit of Service Awards event on November 9th, run by the Public Service Commission, was inspiring; a testament to the ability of the public service to respond and transform beyond all expectations. The collaboration across so many agencies sung out in these awards, as well as the speed with which agencies implemented financial support to businesses and their workers. So we are capable of extraordinary achievements. How will we dramatically transform in 2021 without an external crisis? There are certainly enough burning platforms.

  • 17 Nov 2020

IPANZ E-Update - 27 October 2020

Kia ora koutou What a delight to see our events section in this e-update filled with the activities of our New Professionals. November is clearly the month for our IPANZ young people! We hope we’ll see many more Young Professionals signing up to our database. IPANZ wants the voices of younger people and those new to the public sector reflected in all of our discussions — our e-updates, journal, social media and events.

  • 27 Oct 2020

E-Update - 6 October

We hope you enjoy this edition of our regular E-Update. It features articles and interviews about cultural competence, the implementation of the Public Service Act's Principles and Values, performance management, futures thinking and more. We hope you enjoy it.

  • 06 Oct 2020

Panui Hiko - 15 September

Kia ora koutou With the plethora of fascinating information relevant for the public service available, it is always a challenge (and pleasure) to decide what to share with you. We take notice of ideas from our members and this week we have included a lighthearted article about “nudging” which we found in a source recommended by one reader. Thanks! The Public Service Act is top of mind as we move into implementation. In this e-update, collaboration and stewardship are at the forefront, and we will pursue these two subjects in multiple ways in the next six months.In the “what we are reading section”, we quote the work by Koi Tū on capacity in the public sector to do futures work, and the future challenges for the public sector. We link to the full paper. We also give you a good framework for thinking about futures. Shenagh Gleisner, Executive Director

  • 15 Sep 2020

IPANZ E-Update - 26 August

Kia ora koutou We open this e-update by drawing your attention to the Public Service Act. This new Act can change the way the public service works if we all set our aspirations high and our leaders create the conditions to enable success. One of the principles in the Act is political neutrality. Possessing and applying ‘political nous’ can assist public sector professionals to act responsibly in the zone between politics and administration. As public sector professionals, we can demonstrate political neutrality while also understanding the political context and the politicians’ reality. We can also respond to the short-term needs of Ministers while being always mindful of the long term, part of our stewardship responsibilities. The principles in the Act are essential and require some deep expertise to deliver wisely. Do read the excellent article in our “what we have been reading section” on the subject of political astuteness and public value. And let us all continue to explore this. Shenagh Gleisner, Executive Director

  • 26 Aug 2020

IPANZ E-Update - 4 August

Kia ora koutou The past months have seen so many challenges, adaptions, successes and opportunities for the future. We touch on some of them in this e-update including trust and social capital, the response of Maori communities during COVID-19, innovation and the role of science. We are also beginning to focus again on the Public Service Legislation, with an exploration of organisational culture. Culture change will be essential to deliver the aspirations of this legislation. And the public service definitely can change, and can do it fast with will, motivation and leadership. Public servants rose to the challenges of the past months because we have a modern workforce with a genuine desire to serve the public. Visible, agile professionals working beyond their hours and collaborating across boundaries — old negative stereotypes no longer need endure. Shenagh Gleisner, Executive Director

  • 04 Aug 2020

IPANZ E-Update - 16 July 2020

You may well have heard the term ‘ministerial responsibility’ in the past few weeks. You probably heard public servants taking responsibility for the mistakes at our border. You will also have heard the term ‘heads must roll’ in the media. You saw a Minister resign, although who was “responsible” for the mistakes is not clear. Sheeting home responsibility and blame to one person can often be very hard. A complex system of Ministers, public service departments, individual people within and outside the public service and actions of past governments, often means that responsibility is shared. There is a convention that Ministers are accountable to Parliament for the actions of their departments, irrespective of whether they had any direct oversight of detailed operations. To enlighten us a little on this, you can read here a background piece on the concept and practice of ministerial responsibility, written for IPANZ by Chris Eichbaum.

  • 16 Jul 2020

IPANZ E-Update - 23 June 2020

The word “bureaucracy” is often used about the public service, and sometimes with pejorative overtones. It can imply excessively complicated administrative procedures; the term “faceless bureaucrats” is not uncommon. But surely this stereotype has been countered during the past three months. Maybe the image of the public service now also embodies agility, flexibility, collaboration and responsiveness to New Zealanders, alongside the image of being calm, wise, steady and evidence-based. What has the public service learnt? Can speed and agility now personify our responses without forgetting the importance of giving time, precision and detailed thought to issues that merit a slower, more deliberate process? Is collaboration across departments, central and local government and public sector, communities and business only relevant in crises? Not at all. Can we stop doing things that we thought were crucial, or will we learn that business as usual has been too neglected? IPANZ looks forward to seeing how all players in the system, especially the leaders, are going to preserve and expand the great things that have been learnt. Status quo is very powerful and there will be a danger we revert back to all those things with which we are familiar, but that would be an opportunity lost. Shenagh Gleisner, Executive Director

  • 23 Jun 2020

IPANZ E-Update - 2 June 2020

Kia ora koutou We are sending a very warm welcome to our new members of IPANZ. We are delighted that new entities such as the Climate Change Commission, and agencies in our wider state sector, such as the New Zealand Symphony Orchestra have decided to join us. More local authorities are also joining, which is so important as their voice is essential. When we talk of government, we mean local as well as central and need to always reflect this diversity of experiences. We are also very pleased that some NGOs and businesses have joined too. It is so important for the public service to work collaboratively with other sectors. We are very keen to hear and share different perspectives. Please send us your insights, articles, blogs and perspectives and we will do our utmost to share them so that everyone across the system can be inspired and informed. To celebrate the breadth of the IPANZ family, here is a 30 second glimpse of one of the NZSO players working from home. During the lock down the NZSO demonstrated innovation and agility by producing wonderful music with ensembles of musicians each in their own homes and yet perfectly in time and tune. Shenagh Gleisner You can contact me anytime at shenagh@ipanz.org.nz

  • 02 Jun 2020

IPANZ E-Update - 12 May

Kia ora koutou Opportunities to serve others in times of crisis can be key moments to bridge professional, political and personal differences and bring people together. But we should not forget that crises create but temporary unity. Some of this dissipation of collective effort and unity is revealing itself already.

  • 12 May 2020

IPANZ E-Update - 22 April

Kia ora koutou It isn't often that New Zealanders suggest that a public servant should be the New Zealander of the year, but at the time of writing about 4,300 New Zealanders have signed a petition for Dr Ashley Bloomfield to take that honour. I am sure Ashley Bloomfield would be the first to acknowledge that he relies on all public servants across the system. He gives us an insight into the best public servants everywhere. In front of the media glare he reveals the cherished qualities of public service: honesty, clarity, responsiveness, learning, using evidence, humility, being unflappable and communicating with warmth and care. The State Services Commissioner made the appointment of a doctor to lead the Ministry of Health. A wise decision it seems. There may be some agencies in the Public Service where the choice of a person with a related professional background is important, and other agencies where it is less crucial. A matter for future conversation perhaps. For now, let’s celebrate the public service at its best, and let’s acknowledge that this excellence and leadership is demonstrated across central government, in iwi and hapu, local government, community organisations and much more. Let us also celebrate that we may see a shift in public attitudes, with more appreciation of the preventative and coordinating role of governments and the public service. Shenagh Gleisner

  • 22 Apr 2020

IPANZ E-Update - 3 April

Nga mihi aroha ki a koutou katoa As New Zealanders respond to the challenge of Covid-19, we are overwhelmed by the impressive work of public sector professionals everywhere. The frontline contribution is evident every day on our news feeds. We also know that for everything delivered in extraordinary timeframes — work subsidies being just one of a myriad of examples — many of you will have worked tirelessly to make it happen. Every time our Prime Minister and Ashley Bloomfield talk to us, I think of the incredible amount of research, writing, analysis and decision-making that it takes from public sector professionals to enable our leaders to perform as they do. IPANZ will continue to seek out and celebrate this dedicated work. It is indeed the spirit of service in action. We also see this spirit way beyond the public sector. We see it in individual New Zealanders, whanau, neighbours, supermarket check-out staff, businesses of all sizes, food growers and producers, truck drivers, and community services such as foodbanks, shelters and refuges. We can be in awe of the culture of this country which means that this spirit of service shines when it is most needed. We are trying to find the right balance in our communications, helpful and reassuring for our new working and home situations, and also interesting and thought-provoking articles because life and work go on regardless. Tell us if we have the balance about right for you. Shenagh Gleisner

  • 03 Apr 2020

IPANZ E-Update - 18 March

Kia ora koutou This week we have decided to suspend our physical events schedule for the next few months and offer a ‘virtual-events’ schedule in its place. We’ve made this decision to ensure we continue to best serve our members — knowing that many of you will already be reducing in-person social interactions to help stop the spread of COVID-19. This e-update gives you some context for our decision and what you can expect over the next few months. There’s also a round-up of news and insights including from our recent events and from around the sector. Please keep sending us your comments. We enjoy hearing from you. Shenagh

  • 18 Mar 2020

IPANZ E-Update - 25 February 2020

It’s been a big week for IPANZ with the announcement on Wednesday of president Jo Cribb’s retirement and Liz MacPherson taking the reins as Interim President.
Leadership and strategy matter a lot. We have been very fortunate to have a president, in Jo Cribb, who has led our strategy very strongly. Jo is moving on due to work pressure, but she has devoted nearly three years to IPANZ. We are also very lucky to have Liz MacPherson as Interim President until a formal election for President at our AGM in July. Liz was straight into the role, facilitating at the IPANZ Annual Address from the Minister of Finance on Thursday! If you haven’t already, do read Jo’s message on our website. Liz will be introducing herself to you in the near future. I hope you enjoy this e-update and please keep sending us your comments. We enjoy hearing from you.

  • 25 Feb 2020

IPANZ E-Update - 3 February 2020

Welcome to 2020. We are raring to go, and have important events coming up, articles to share and ideas to debate. We are also working hard on extending our reach into Auckland and Christchurch.
Perhaps the most important event since our last e-update was our submission on the Public Service Bill, which we lodged last week. We have made our submission available on our website here and we encourage you to read it and to talk with us about it. Enjoy this e-update. And please keep in touch with us and tell us your views. We can only meet our members’ needs when you tell us what you want to hear more about!
Let’s create positive change in 2020, learning and developing.

  • 03 Feb 2020

IPANZ E-Update - December 2019

Kia ora koutou This is our last e-update before Christmas. So it comes with my very best wishes for your Christmas break. Another very busy year for you all. You will have got my note about the State Sector legislation – we would be pleased to hear any views that you would like us to consider putting into our submission. The timeframe is extremely short for the 31st January submission deadline. But please do contact us if you can.

  • 03 Dec 2019

IPANZ E-Update - November 2019

Kia ora koutou We are feeling a bit overwhelmed, but in a very positive way! We were so pleased to get a record number of applicants for our board positions, focussing this time on extending the diversity on our board. And we are delighted to be getting more positive comments on our communications on social media and our e-update. It is especially gratifying to hear from people in Auckland and Christchurch who do not get the ready access to the same number of events.

  • 12 Nov 2019

IPANZ E-Update - 22 October 2019

Kia ora koutou This e-update speaks for itself – summaries, articles, brief videos, all of which talk about the subjects that you have told us interest you. I hope that you enjoy it and that you will find plenty here that is of interest and helpful to you. Shenagh Gleisner, Executive Director

  • 22 Oct 2019

IPANZ E-Update - 1 October 2019

Nga mihi mahana ki a koutou. This e:update spans a wide range of issues of relevance to public sector professionals including, as examples, the potential impacts of public service reform, mental health in your workplace and Crown/Maori relationships. IPANZ aims to inform, inspire, challenge and celebrate public service professionals and we hope this update reflects that. Please keep in touch with us, tell us what you found useful and what other matters you want us to cover in future — you can drop me a line at Shenagh@ipanz.org.nz.

  • 01 Oct 2019

IPANZ E-Update - September 2019

The September E-Update - A cautionary tale of phishing! Last week, someone in Australia sent out an email from IPANZ to 400 of our members, apparently about an RFP. It was a complete scam, our email was hacked. To all of you who received the message, I do apologise. We had moderately complex passwords set for our emails but even still, one password was compromised.

  • 06 Sep 2019

PS News - Some good reading for these winter evenings

By the time you get this I will be in the UK on my planned leave – and I will be back in early August. I have spent a busy and productive time in my first three weeks. I am very impressed by the creative thoughts, deep knowledge and enthusiasm of the many people I have met. Some new products and functions are being designed. Watch this space.
I wanted to draw your attention to our Public Sector Journal which is out now.

  • 04 Jul 2019

PS News - A word from IPANZ's new Executive Director, Shenagh Gleisner

Nga mihi ki a koutou katoa I am so pleased to be the new Executive Director, and, after my first week, I am impressed by the many creative ideas I am hearing about how to make IPANZ even better. In August I will be able to share with you some exciting prospects for IPANZ with a menu of ideas, activities and issues and fresh ways of engaging, to ensure that IPANZ is a strong voice, widely heard. I look forward to many more conversations with you all.

  • 12 Jun 2019

PS News: Where is "work" heading?

In this e-newsletter we highlight articles featured in our April edition of the Public Sector Journal - Hon Grant Roberston outlines the government's wellbeing approach, and we explore issues shaping the future of work with Dr Jo Cribb, President of IPANZ, Roger Dennis, futurist and strategy consultant, and Dave Heatley, Principal Advisor at the New Zealand Productivity Commission. We also share some upcoming sector events which may be of interest.

  • 01 May 2019

PS News: A Framework for Wellbeing

As we look towards New Zealand’s first “Wellbeing Budget” in 2019, in this article from the December Public Sector we ask, what do we mean by wellbeing and how might we measure it? And we profile Maudie Johnson-Hunter who takes out the IPANZ Public Administration Prize with Victoria University's School of Government.

  • 29 Nov 2018

PS News: IPANZ supports State Services Act review

In this e-newsletter, we note IPANZ's submission to the State Services Act review; and share news and events for October - November.

  • 18 Oct 2018